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Somatic Bodywork Workshop

Somatic Bodywork Workshop
with Mylene @DeNieuweYogaSchool

Two hours to tune-in the wisdom of your body. 

Book here

This workshop will introduce how to connect to your body in a unique way: through touch, movement, breath and verbal expression.
You will be guided to explore how you can allow yourself to live your life more fully by embodying it.

Together we will make space for your experiences, from the past, the present or the future that are present in your body. It’s a safe space to integrate whatever life moment you might be in: rough times and lessons learning, a smooth pleasant moment where you can embody more joy and expansion, as well as everything in between. You are welcome the way you are.


This will happens through hands-on touch on your own body and by exchanging present touch with other participants under my supervision. We will alternate moments of sharings and practices in solo and duets.

What happens during the workshop?

  • Learn to connect to your body by yourself and with others

  • Explore how your body carries so much of your life (past, present, future) 

  • Integrate your experiences and shine new light on them

  • Receive your own answers & guidance

Receive your own guidance

Once you are all deeply connected to your body, we will explore one life theme (such as “dream” / “past” / “hope”) and notice how it lives in your body, what it evokes, what it triggers, what it makes you dream of.
Your body never lies: it will give you the information you need to receive. Through your own hands and the presence of others you can receive your messages regarding this theme and go home with new insights on your life.

Book here

January 31