Experience the limitless possibilities
of human relationships

Browse guidance options

  • Through Non Violent Communication teaching & exercises, I offer the experience of being listened until the end of words. I help you navigate specific life situations such as the feeling of guilt, experiencing torness in a choice to make, a big or small conflict with someone, or simply being heard about whatever is alive at that moment.

  • From a one day introduction training, to a long-term online course, get in touch to explore options together. I first listen to the situation in your group. Based on your needs, I come up with adapted options, such as simple practices or deeper trainings.

    I like to collaborate to find what practices and themes are relevant for your group, as well as what duration and format (in person / online). Together with a team of NVC-trained assistants, I offer trainings to large groups too.

  • In this three-hour workshop, I’ll introduce you to the basic principles of Non Violent Communication. Through practices you’ll learn a new vision of life through empathy.

Together we partner-up to create the workshop you need

Workshop for Le Village Amsterdam
"Taking care of yourself while taking care of others”

Explore possible themes

  • Connecting in conflicts

    How to solve conflicts by connecting to each other. Bridging the gap of two different perspectives in a healing dialogue.

  • Swimming in discomfort

    Explore tools to bring up uncomfortable conversations. Learn to take responsibility
    for your emotions.

  • Breaking the Enemy Image

    Recognize judgements in communication and behavior. Integrate the beauty of the message to come back to connection.

  • Experience Empathy as a Group

    Taste the magic of empathy held by the group. Together we practice a safe space to express & listen with an open mind.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
— Rumi