Open your connection
to your own wisdom & answers
with the power of touch

In this somatic coaching approach, I combine verbal communication, movement, breathe & hands-on touch. Together we partner-up to get the answers that come from within you.

What a session looks like

The Conversation

During the first half hour we’re having a conversation. It is your moment to drop off everything that might be on your chest, big or small. You can expect a certain quality of listening where you feel heard, seen and welcomed as you are.

I reflect what I’m sensing and feeling of situations in order to put light on them, and you are invited to feel what resonates with your truth. I will also ask you questions to get to know you deeply. My job is to reflect your unique qualities and resources that make you who you truly are.

How does it work?

Your experiences are stored in your body, you might already be aware of it when it comes to traumas (cf: The body keeps the score by Kessel van der Kolk). But the body also stores your pleasurable memories, your desires and wishes as well as your own intuition and guidance that will lead you towards it.  During a somatic session you will connect deeply to your body and access parts of you.

Finding the flow

On the table I’m directing my touch to open a continuous flow in your body, you leave the session self-connected and therefore alive.

Hands-on Touch

The second part of the session is hands-on touch and movement on the massage table. This part is dedicated to connecting you to yourself. You will be in touch with your sensations, body reactions & patterns and emotions caused by the touch and the conversation we keep on having while on the table.

While I pay close attention to your reactions, I keep on asking you questions, that take you further in your process. Every word, situations and memory you will evoke lives in your body. The touch helps you integrate your past and feel your own answers about your future.

The process with me

While breakthrough often happen as early as the first session, the goal of this somatic process is for you to develop this relationship of trust in your body and sensations, and connect deeply to who you are. Creating these foundations will take approximately five to six sessions. Later on we build up on these foundations, to connect you always deeper to your true self. My goal is to accompany you over time, through all your life phases might they be happy or/and challenging. I make a point of remembering what you share in previous session to create a long-term trust.

Pricing / Timing

Feelings take time. All sessions last 90 minutes. This is the time I take for each of my client to get to know them truly. This way I offer the space and time you might need to open-up at your own pace.

Single Sessions - 100E (incl. VAT)

5 Sessions Package to be used in the three months following the purchase - 450E (incl. VAT)